السبت، 16 أكتوبر 2010

Enough With This "First Ever Pregnant Man" Crap!

Monday: 17 November 2008

Enough With This "First Ever Pregnant Man" Crap!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last year, you’ve heard of the so-called "First Ever Pregnant Man". Can I just say this...not only is he NOT a real/true man, he is also NOT the first transgender to become pregnant. He/she? Or should I refer to him/her as shim? I don’t know, but let’s call "it" a "he" for argument sake. Anyway, he is not a pregnant man and his story isn’t some miracle. I wish the media, like Oprah and old Babs, would stop feeding into this because it’s just hype. And this couple just wants the public’s attention. Can you say media whore? And if you ask me, they’ve had more than their fair share of 15 minutes of fame. Their story has once again resurfaced thanks to his second gender-bender pregnancy. Thomas Beatie is the 34-year-old so-called pregnant man. He was a former swimsuit model as a female and a pretty damn good looking one too. Today however, he has traded in his boobies for a beard. What a shame.

I’m not going to lie. I don’t understand transgenders, transsexuals or even Transformers. I get the whole gay and lesbian thing because that is just being attracted to the same sex. But transgenders and transsexuals, all this sex swapping confuses the hell out of me! They can’t decide if they are a boy, a girl, heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, what! They can’t decide because they can’t even identify themselves so how are we supposed to identify/understand them? Speaking of bi-sexuals, isn’t that just a label to throw on yourself when you can’t make up your mind at the candy store so you say you want it all? Isn’t that like being greedy? You have to pick a flavor, damn it. And asexuals, what’s up with them? I think they are just too picky! You don’t want any sex? From anyone? Really? That my mind can’t fathom!

I've seen the so-called pregnant man before and although I may be a bit frightened, I’m not impressed at all. For starters, he has a uterus. Last time I checked, a uterus is not so man-like. Basically, he's a woman who is just taking some hormone pills. If anything, it's rather stupid that people are referring to him as a pregnant man. He's a chick with a beard. That’s it and that’s all. No magic here folks. Tell Barbra Walters to give you your money back because you are not witness to a freak show. Like I said before, he's not even the first pregnant woman who is living like a man. He’s just the first one to go public about his pregnancy. So really, he's not "the first" of anything.

After the birth of their first child, the couple is once again going public with news of their second pregnancy. And just like before, the media is gobbling up interviews and spreading the story like wildfire! Why? I have no idea. Maybe because everyone loves a circus sideshow? And here is something to ponder...if the pregnant man is technically a woman just living as a man and married to another woman (a real/true woman), does this mean he’s gay? And if they are in fact a lesbian couple, which technically they seem to be, are they even legally married? Sorry, don’t mean to bring up the whole Prop 8 rant of mine, but one has to wonder these odd questions in odd circumstances.

You know it’s one of my favorite topics. So as Salt-N-Pepa once sang..."Let’s talk about sex, baby." Chime in on your thoughts about the pregnant man and all the questions I proposed surrounding him/her, shim. I'm dying to be enlightened!

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